Concept & co-creation
Art Direction
Pale blue dot
In September 2022, we created The Drop in partnership with Pale Blue Dot. Designed to connect the world’s top investors with high-potential startups, the conference has grown into Europe’s leading climate conference.
Our format is designed to get out of the way and let serendipitous connections happen between the people that can have broad stroke impact on climate change.
The “sustainability” space is saturated with broad appeal conferences, but this was never the strategy for making The Drop the action-biased center of the climate universe. It had to deliver an intrigue that attracted both the front runners in climate venture capital, and the exceptional, first-domino startups that are building businesses that can topple industries.
Our design strategy steps away from the overused aesthetic of idyllic nature or forest fires, securing The Drop a unique position by delivering a lively and enticing brand led by color, motion and structure.
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